
Corporate blog

In this technological world, many companies own their corporate blog respectively to contribute to the success of business. Corporate blog is published and used by an organization to reach its strategic goals. It includes internal and external blog.

Internal blog :It can access through the corporation's Intranet and it is also a weblog that can be viewed by any employee. Many blogs are also communal, allowing anyone to post to them. Besides that, internal blog has a lot of benefits: it encourages all employees’ participation for free discussion of issues, collective intelligence. CEO offering his vision and strategy, show case new ideas, products or even innovative applications (with no practical relation) in a company, marketing and public relations for the company to the outside world.

External blog: It is a publicly available weblog where company's employees, teams, or spokespersons can share their views. The advantage is it is often be used to announce new products and services (or the end of old products), to explain and clarify policies, or to react on public criticism on certain issues.

For example, The Scott Ragsdale who is one of the top CEO blogs. The main purpose of his blog is to communicate with his 300+ employees, his future employees and leaders of naseba, clients, future clients, and investors – at the same time to help him stay focused on his climb — to build naseba into a multi-hundred million euro company.(

But, corporate blog has some drawbacks:
There have been dozen of cases of workers warned pr fired because of some issues that they have written in the blog.
1. It can be trickly to drag public comment out of company without first routing through the sanitizing filther of a press office.
2. There is a risk than ill-judged comment could be seized upon by the media
3. Poorly written corporate blogs can look fake or they reveal incompetence on he part of the writer.
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