Every item that we purchased, every password that we typed, every online bill and even every website we have ever visited are permanently stored on hidden files in our computer which can easily be recovered by hackers and ID thieves with easy to get software found on the internet. Identity thieves are smart, they will steal your personal information and your identity and it is easier than stealing our wallet. Although some hackers get their thrills from breaking into and vadalising our property but most hackers are thieves.
In order to safeguard our information we should:
1. block hackers from gaining access to our computer
2. make our computer invisible to everyone on the internet
3. automatically stop pop-up ads
4. protect data by using backups
5. protect from identity theft and online profiling
6. eliminate spam and prevent spyware sending personal information across the internet.
For those who will be lost without computers or even access to the internet, we should really take this into consideration. Quite simply, the internet has become a way of life for many of us. We use it daily for e-mail, shopping, banking, working, chatting or even surfing. Over the past years, the itnernet has become a virtual breeding ground for hackers, viruses, SPAM, spyware, pop-ups and identity thieves. One of the solution is to have a good password on your email. Any activities done through the internet there is always a risk invovled. Here are some of the risk that is extremely dangerous:
2. safety of your investments.
3. the cash in your bank accounts
4. sensitive health information.
5 credit card numbers
6. ATM pins
7. personal information.
There are always ways to battle this hackers from getting our information. There are several methods that may be used:
arm ourself with most powerful tool-knowledge and build a barrier to protect ourself from viruses that can destroy our personal information and keep ourself safe from passing those viruses on to others.
Keep hackers from using their technical spyware to locate our personal information. DOn't let them follow us around to our favourite websites. This makes sure that no one is detecting your every key stroke.
If there is a child that uses our computer, this function will protect htem from accidentally clicking pop-ups and accepting e-mails that may potentially be an identity theft nightmare.
lock down our virtual internet files, passwords and bank information from hackers. This function or software makes our information virtually invisible on the itnernet.
We must set our important folders safeguarded with passwords such as passwords, credit car information, purchased items on store websites.
We must set our important folders safeguarded with passwords such as passwords, credit car information, purchased items on store websites.
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